Parkersburg Obituaries - Page 21

3467 Obituaries

Search obituaries and death notices from Parkersburg, West Virginia, brought to you by Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express your feelings by leaving condolence messages. You can also send flowers or thoughtful gifts to commemorate your loved ones.



Year of death



Kelly Elizabeth Kent Obituary
Kelly Elizabeth Kent

October 14, 2023 (40 years old)

Stephen Ross Bennett Obituary
Stephen Ross Bennett

October 13, 2023 (71 years old)

Prudie Ann Baker Obituary
Prudie Ann Baker

October 10, 2023 (80 years old)

Anton Gessler Obituary
Anton Gessler

October 11, 2023 (82 years old)

Steven Lee Polsley Obituary
Steven Lee Polsley

October 1, 2023 (42 years old)

Jacqualyn Sue Lemley Obituary
Jacqualyn Sue Lemley

October 7, 2023 (58 years old)

Harry E. McNemar Obituary
Harry E. McNemar

October 10, 2023 (77 years old)

Marlene Ellen Shriver Obituary
Marlene Ellen Shriver

October 9, 2023 (57 years old)

David Mellinger Obituary
David Mellinger

October 9, 2023 (65 years old)

Samuel N. Blake Obituary
Samuel N. Blake

October 6, 2023 (89 years old)

Gerald Robey Jr. Obituary
Gerald Robey Jr.

October 7, 2023 (63 years old)

Wilma May Ullum Obituary
Wilma May Ullum

October 7, 2023 (72 years old)

Clifford Luther Conrad Obituary
Clifford Luther Conrad

September 30, 2023 (90 years old)

Lowell Dayton Somerville Obituary
Lowell Dayton Somerville

October 7, 2023 (87 years old)

Barbara Dean Waggoner Obituary
Barbara Dean Waggoner

October 4, 2023 (90 years old)

Brigida Sanchez Obituary
Brigida Sanchez

October 5, 2023 (90 years old)

Elizabeth Gayle Runnion Obituary
Elizabeth Gayle Runnion

October 4, 2023 (86 years old)

Flora Janet Lockhart Obituary
Flora Janet Lockhart

October 4, 2023 (89 years old)

Mildred Ingram Obituary
Mildred Ingram

October 3, 2023 (80 years old)

Trista Adella Morris Obituary
Trista Adella Morris

October 2, 2023 (30 years old)

Serita Jean Shaver Obituary
Serita Jean Shaver

October 2, 2023 (83 years old)

Mary Josephine Stoneking Obituary
Mary Josephine Stoneking

October 3, 2023 (93 years old)

Bonnie Kathleen Cameron Obituary
Bonnie Kathleen Cameron

October 2, 2023 (70 years old)

Theresa J. Hart Obituary
Theresa J. Hart

October 1, 2023 (94 years old)


What people want to know about obituary from Parkersburg

Where can I find the most recent obituaries of Parkersburg?

Simply browse the Parkersburg’s obituaries listing you can find on this page or conduct a search on the web site with your loved one’s name.

How much does it cost to publish an obituary in Parkersburg ?

Creating an obituary on Echovita is free. You can click this link to create an obituary.

Can flowers be sent directly to a visitation or funeral service in Parkersburg?

Yes, flower arrangements are fulfilled and delivered by local florists from Parkersburg.

How can I create an obituary in Parkersburg?

Visit this link to create a free obituary then read the advantages of creating an obituary on Echovita and either click “Start now” or “Create an obituary for your loved” to begin.

Can I add photos and videos to an obituary?

Yes, simply click “Add a photo” located underneath the main photo of the obituary then upload the photos/videos you wish to share.

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