To inform society of who has passed away throughout Canada, The United States of America, Australia, and New Zealand for free.
Offer families the ability to create obituaries and memorials for their loved ones for free.
Echovita is an obituary sharing medium that remembers those who have passed away for eternity.
This is the solution, since the internet has replaced the newspaper. Since the arrival of the Internet, obituaries have been scattered across a multitude of different websites, causing the loss of accessibility to information.
Echovita centralizes publicly available obituaries using basic facts only and categorizes them by city, allowing anyone interested to find out who passed away in their area. It's easy, free, and it informs more people of who has passed away, for example: former co-workers, old school friends, neighbors, and distant relatives.
Families can also create a death notice or memorial for a loved one for free to keep the memories of the deceased forever. We believe that families hold the copyright to the obituary they create, which is why we offer them to receive the profits generated through the crowdfunding service. If sales have been made from this obituary, families can choose to receive the money to help with the funeral expenses or to donate it to a charity in memory of the deceased. Echovita retains minimal revenue to ensure the maintenance of the platform which allows all interested parties to be informed of who passed away in their region. Once the funeral service is over, the obituaries turn into memorials and will forever preserve the many sympathy messages and photos / videos that have been shared by family and friends.
Do not miss out on paying your respects to your loved ones and their families. Take advantage of our free services.
Ride with us the wave of change