Obituaries in the United States of people who died on January 2, 2019 - Page 2

4017 Obituaries

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Year of death



Chalmus Branton Obituary
Chalmus Branton

Malvern, Alabama

January 2, 2019 (88 years old)

Barbara Jean Thomas Obituary
Barbara Jean Thomas

Tulsa, Oklahoma

January 2, 2019 (87 years old)

Lucille Herndon Obituary
Lucille Herndon

Hampton, South Carolina

January 2, 2019 (80 years old)

Ruby Mae Duckett Obituary
Ruby Mae Duckett

Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina

January 2, 2019 (68 years old)

Alberta Green Echols Obituary
Alberta Green Echols

Hominy, Oklahoma

January 2, 2019 (86 years old)

Alberta Milton-Trujillo Obituary
Alberta Milton-Trujillo

Saint John, Kansas

January 2, 2019 (84 years old)

Rodger Degarmo Obituary
Rodger Degarmo

Meade, Kansas

January 2, 2019 (73 years old)

Shirley Mae Uselman Obituary
Shirley Mae Uselman

Coldwater, Kansas

January 2, 2019 (68 years old)

Oleta B. Wallis Obituary
Oleta B. Wallis

Smithville, Arkansas

January 2, 2019 (85 years old)

Kathryn Violet Mattson Obituary
Kathryn Violet Mattson

Dassel, Minnesota

January 2, 2019 (70 years old)

John Howard Spors Obituary
John Howard Spors

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

January 2, 2019 (64 years old)

Donald T Fitzgerald Obituary
Donald T Fitzgerald

Farmerville, Louisiana

January 2, 2019 (89 years old)

Clara Dene Burns Obituary
Clara Dene Burns

Buckeye, Arizona

January 2, 2019 (95 years old)

Ethel Hough Obituary
Ethel Hough

Greensboro, North Carolina

January 2, 2019 (76 years old)

Beverly Holt Obituary
Beverly Holt

Perryville, Kentucky

January 2, 2019 (72 years old)

Mary O'Neil Obituary
Mary O'Neil

Decatur, Georgia

January 2, 2019 (84 years old)

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