Obituaries in the United States of people who died on January 2, 2019 - Page 3

4017 Obituaries

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Year of death



Renee Nuni Fuller Obituary
Renee Nuni Fuller

Williamstown, Massachusetts

January 2, 2019 (89 years old)

Thomas Harlen Pool Sr. Obituary
Thomas Harlen Pool Sr.

Hugo, Oklahoma

January 2, 2019 (90 years old)

Edwin Hartman Obituary
Edwin Hartman

Anaheim, California

January 2, 2019 (69 years old)

Warren Daniel Sprunger Obituary
Warren Daniel Sprunger

Berne, Indiana

January 2, 2019 (92 years old)

Jann Allyn Bernardi Obituary
Jann Allyn Bernardi

Osage Beach, Missouri

January 2, 2019 (67 years old)

Rita G. Turner Obituary
Rita G. Turner

Wheatland, Iowa

January 2, 2019 (93 years old)

Milton H. Larsen Obituary
Milton H. Larsen

Wichita, Kansas

January 2, 2019 (98 years old)

Cliff Spikes Obituary
Cliff Spikes

Elton, Louisiana

January 2, 2019 (86 years old)

Joahne E. Fellows Obituary
Joahne E. Fellows

Lansing, Michigan

January 2, 2019 (86 years old)

Grace Honda Obituary
Grace Honda

Los Angeles, California

January 2, 2019 (92 years old)

Jean Rubenstein Obituary
Jean Rubenstein

Dartmouth, Massachusetts

January 2, 2019 (72 years old)

Michael P. Kinjerski Obituary
Michael P. Kinjerski

Kewaunee, Wisconsin

January 2, 2019 (83 years old)

Robert L. Weatherley Obituary
Robert L. Weatherley

Allegany, New York

January 2, 2019 (90 years old)

Howard J. Capuano Obituary
Howard J. Capuano

Tucson, Arizona

January 2, 2019 (68 years old)

Rodney Eugene Hartle Sr. Obituary
Rodney Eugene Hartle Sr.

Roeland Park, Kansas

January 2, 2019 (75 years old)

Jay Dean Foglesong Obituary
Jay Dean Foglesong

Spring Hill, Florida

January 2, 2019 (64 years old)

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