Obituaries in the United States of people who died on August 4, 2019 - Page 35

3474 Obituaries

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Year of death



Ina Mae Gage Obituary
Ina Mae Gage

Fresno, California

August 4, 2019 (95 years old)

Joe Don Renner Obituary
Joe Don Renner

Texarkana, Texas

August 4, 2019 (86 years old)

Rayford Milton Johnson Obituary
Rayford Milton Johnson

Texarkana, Arkansas

August 4, 2019 (78 years old)

Derl Ray Bowman Obituary
Derl Ray Bowman

Quincy, Illinois

August 4, 2019 (71 years old)

Jamie Alexandria Davis Obituary
Jamie Alexandria Davis

Mobile, Alabama

August 4, 2019 (25 years old)

Robert Barker Obituary
Robert Barker

Morehead, Kentucky

August 4, 2019 (79 years old)

Lynn Flammang-Gleb Obituary
Lynn Flammang-Gleb

Coon Rapids, Minnesota

August 4, 2019 (68 years old)

Carlos Martinez Obituary
Carlos Martinez

Waco, Texas

August 4, 2019 (65 years old)

Geraldine L Wallette Obituary
Geraldine L Wallette

Spokane, Washington

August 4, 2019 (72 years old)

Mary Geary Obituary
Mary Geary

Yukon, Oklahoma

August 4, 2019 (68 years old)

Shiloh Elizabeth Harris Obituary
Shiloh Elizabeth Harris

Owensboro, Kentucky

August 4, 2019 (2 years old)

Newt Mitchell Obituary
Newt Mitchell

Jacksonville, Illinois

August 4, 2019 (87 years old)

Patrick Plater Obituary
Patrick Plater

Hyattsville, Maryland

August 4, 2019 (72 years old)

Emily Hinds Obituary
Emily Hinds

Takoma Park, Maryland

August 4, 2019 (87 years old)

Max William Reisdorph Obituary
Max William Reisdorph

Farmington, Minnesota

August 4, 2019 (28 years old)

Sherman Leonard Agins Obituary
Sherman Leonard Agins

Scottsdale, Arizona

August 4, 2019 (90 years old)

Lynn Ann Chemla Obituary
Lynn Ann Chemla

Greenville, South Carolina

August 4, 2019 (39 years old)

Arnold J Kreger Obituary
Arnold J Kreger

Perrysburg, Ohio

August 4, 2019 (82 years old)

Mary Elizabeth Henning Obituary
Mary Elizabeth Henning

Concord, Illinois

August 4, 2019 (66 years old)

George Magera Obituary
George Magera

Mullins, South Carolina

August 4, 2019 (93 years old)

Larry W. Holstein Obituary
Larry W. Holstein

Saint Clairsville, Ohio

August 4, 2019 (71 years old)

Joseph Laurence Hirsch Obituary
Joseph Laurence Hirsch

Colville, Washington

August 4, 2019 (57 years old)

Helen Margaret Nott Obituary
Helen Margaret Nott

Aurora, Colorado

August 4, 2019 (75 years old)

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