Obituaries in the United States of people who died on August 3, 2019 - Page 4

3526 Obituaries

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Year of death



Terry Gentry Obituary
Terry Gentry

Elizabethton, Tennessee

August 3, 2019 (82 years old)

Randall Murray Obituary
Randall Murray

Niota, Tennessee

August 3, 2019 (64 years old)

Joseph Zacharias Schneider Obituary
Joseph Zacharias Schneider

Oxnard, California

August 3, 2019 (86 years old)

Bonnie Garlish Obituary
Bonnie Garlish

Hartford City, Indiana

August 3, 2019 (79 years old)

Edward Collins Obituary
Edward Collins

Tuskegee, Alabama

August 3, 2019 (61 years old)

Robert Lee Hicks Obituary
Robert Lee Hicks

Ashland, Kentucky

August 3, 2019 (70 years old)

David Keith Barker Obituary
David Keith Barker

Worthington, Kentucky

August 3, 2019 (54 years old)

Emma Porter Obituary
Emma Porter

Grayson, Kentucky

August 3, 2019 (83 years old)

Michael L Caplinger Obituary
Michael L Caplinger

Xenia, Ohio

August 3, 2019 (64 years old)

Dennis Virgil Beasley Obituary
Dennis Virgil Beasley

Dixon, Missouri

August 3, 2019 (63 years old)

Pauline Hoffman Obituary
Pauline Hoffman

Friedens, Pennsylvania

August 3, 2019 (72 years old)

Elmer Beeman Jr. Obituary
Elmer Beeman Jr.

Berlin, Pennsylvania

August 3, 2019 (75 years old)

Pauline Marie Meeker Obituary
Pauline Marie Meeker

Millington, Michigan

August 3, 2019 (87 years old)

Miah Kathryn Strand Obituary
Miah Kathryn Strand

Clio, Michigan

August 3, 2019 (21 years old)

Evelyn M. Lewis Obituary
Evelyn M. Lewis

Dayton, Ohio

August 3, 2019 (92 years old)

Newton Dompey Obituary
Newton Dompey

Sacramento, California

August 3, 2019 (63 years old)

Stanley Dean Doe Obituary
Stanley Dean Doe

Beaverton, Oregon

August 3, 2019 (88 years old)

Michael Goings Obituary
Michael Goings

Kendallville, Indiana

August 3, 2019 (61 years old)

George Bartlett Obituary
George Bartlett

Clarksville, Indiana

August 3, 2019 (37 years old)

Donald Campbell Obituary
Donald Campbell

Clarksville, Indiana

August 3, 2019 (84 years old)

Holly Spitznagel Obituary
Holly Spitznagel

Clarksville, Indiana

August 3, 2019 (55 years old)

Beth June Textor Obituary
Beth June Textor

Mayville, New York

August 3, 2019 (61 years old)

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