Obituaries in the United States of people who died on August 3, 2019

3526 Obituaries

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Year of death



Gail O. Carnahan Obituary
Gail O. Carnahan

Warren, Ohio

August 3, 2019 (81 years old)

Tony Davis Obituary
Tony Davis

Jacksonville, Florida

August 3, 2019 (41 years old)

Ernestine W McDowell Obituary
Ernestine W McDowell

Sumter, South Carolina

August 3, 2019 (87 years old)

Stephen L. Robb Obituary
Stephen L. Robb

Hernando, Mississippi

August 3, 2019 (60 years old)

Richard W. Wayne Obituary
Richard W. Wayne

Sistersville, West Virginia

August 3, 2019 (60 years old)

Mary Lou (Delk) Varella Obituary
Mary Lou (Delk) Varella

Topeka, Kansas

August 3, 2019 (85 years old)

Debra Faye Yawn Obituary
Debra Faye Yawn

Collins, Mississippi

August 3, 2019 (62 years old)

Robert C. Peters Obituary
Robert C. Peters

Butler, Pennsylvania

August 3, 2019 (67 years old)

Angela Jean (Rich) Hipfner Obituary
Angela Jean (Rich) Hipfner

Kent, Washington

August 3, 2019 (51 years old)

Francesca Digiorgi Obituary
Francesca Digiorgi

Shelton, Connecticut

August 3, 2019 (81 years old)

Richard Jankowski Obituary
Richard Jankowski

Okeechobee, Florida

August 3, 2019 (97 years old)

Ronnie Cooper Obituary
Ronnie Cooper

Drasco, Arkansas

August 3, 2019 (66 years old)

Shirley Diane Obituary
Shirley Diane

Pikeville, Kentucky

August 3, 2019 (63 years old)

Wilbert Clayton Obituary
Wilbert Clayton

Salisbury, North Carolina

August 3, 2019 (65 years old)

Michael Francis Zehnder Obituary
Michael Francis Zehnder

Toledo, Ohio

August 3, 2019 (66 years old)

Ora Marie Swithenbank Obituary
Ora Marie Swithenbank

Fortuna, California

August 3, 2019 (91 years old)

Ellen Bates Obituary
Ellen Bates

Rome, New York

August 3, 2019 (97 years old)

Micahel Zehnder Obituary
Micahel Zehnder

Oregon, Ohio

August 3, 2019 (66 years old)

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