Obituaries in the United States of people who died on August 3, 2019 - Page 2

3526 Obituaries

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Year of death



John Mark Hunt Jr. Obituary
John Mark Hunt Jr.

Garrison, New York

August 3, 2019 (30 years old)

Dorothy E. Kirstein Obituary
Dorothy E. Kirstein

Galena, Illinois

August 3, 2019 (88 years old)

Charlene Lyon Obituary
Charlene Lyon

Huntersville, North Carolina

August 3, 2019 (72 years old)

Shantelle D. Hunter Obituary
Shantelle D. Hunter

Wilmington, Delaware

August 3, 2019 (43 years old)

Natalie Salazar Obituary
Natalie Salazar

Justice, Illinois

August 3, 2019 (11 years old)

Dimple Lois Clark Obituary
Dimple Lois Clark

Adairsville, Georgia

August 3, 2019 (55 years old)

Daniel Salazar Obituary
Daniel Salazar

Justice, Illinois

August 3, 2019 (17 years old)

Marilyn Wells Brandvold Obituary
Marilyn Wells Brandvold

Carson City, Nevada

August 3, 2019 (84 years old)

Kindred Thomas Obituary
Kindred Thomas

Medford, Oregon

August 3, 2019 (94 years old)

Leta Gail Wiggins Obituary
Leta Gail Wiggins

Medford, Oregon

August 3, 2019 (90 years old)

Eduardo Vanegas-Arias Obituary
Eduardo Vanegas-Arias

Watsonville, California

August 3, 2019 (75 years old)

Morris Dixon Obituary
Morris Dixon

Mission Hills, California

August 3, 2019 (39 years old)

Lillie M. Boyce Obituary
Lillie M. Boyce

Oakland, California

August 3, 2019 (84 years old)

Francisco Salazar Obituary
Francisco Salazar

Justice, Illinois

August 3, 2019 (41 years old)

Harlan R. Palser Obituary
Harlan R. Palser

Russell, Kansas

August 3, 2019 (87 years old)

George J. Ciaccio Obituary
George J. Ciaccio

Wilton, Connecticut

August 3, 2019 (87 years old)

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