Quitman Obituaries - Page 15

499 Obituaries

Search obituaries and death notices from Quitman, Mississippi, brought to you by Echovita.com. Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express your feelings by leaving condolence messages. You can also send flowers or thoughtful gifts to commemorate your loved ones.



Year of death



Guilliam Rex Graham Obituary
Guilliam Rex Graham

September 23, 2020 (85 years old)

Margie Inez Styres Obituary
Margie Inez Styres

September 21, 2020 (90 years old)

Katie Ruth Doggett Obituary
Katie Ruth Doggett

September 16, 2020 (94 years old)

Claiborne Allen Traweek Obituary
Claiborne Allen Traweek

September 12, 2020 (99 years old)

Dylan Robinson Obituary
Dylan Robinson

September 10, 2020 (24 years old)

Leonard MacK Loper Obituary
Leonard MacK Loper

September 9, 2020 (76 years old)

Irene Eleanor Storey Obituary
Irene Eleanor Storey

September 8, 2020 (83 years old)

Dorothy Pratt Duke Obituary
Dorothy Pratt Duke

September 6, 2020 (92 years old)

Lois McCollum Jenkins Lee Obituary
Lois McCollum Jenkins Lee

September 7, 2020 (100 years old)

Eloise Fleming Brashier Obituary
Eloise Fleming Brashier

September 4, 2020 (90 years old)

Abel DuPrey Steppee Obituary
Abel DuPrey Steppee

September 3, 2020 (21 years old)

Paul B. Edwards Obituary
Paul B. Edwards

September 2, 2020 (84 years old)

Connie G. Sutton Obituary
Connie G. Sutton

August 29, 2020 (97 years old)

Ruzene Hall Hollingshead Obituary
Ruzene Hall Hollingshead

August 22, 2020 (82 years old)

Alton Roy Rodgers Obituary
Alton Roy Rodgers

August 21, 2020 (72 years old)

Manuel Anthony Oliveros Obituary
Manuel Anthony Oliveros

August 16, 2020 (69 years old)

Remona Cochran West Obituary
Remona Cochran West

August 11, 2020 (52 years old)

Auttumn Jade Williams Obituary
Auttumn Jade Williams

August 7, 2020 (18 years old)

Jeremy Wade Oliver Obituary
Jeremy Wade Oliver

August 7, 2020 (40 years old)

Jonathan Edward Espey Sr. Obituary
Jonathan Edward Espey Sr.

August 2, 2020 (67 years old)

Carlene Johnson Ellzey Obituary
Carlene Johnson Ellzey

July 30, 2020 (85 years old)

Flossie Jean Dearman Obituary
Flossie Jean Dearman

July 30, 2020 (92 years old)

Billy Evans Obituary
Billy Evans

July 25, 2020 (85 years old)

Leonard Gene Dearman Sr. Obituary
Leonard Gene Dearman Sr.

July 23, 2020 (86 years old)


What people want to know about obituary from Quitman

Where can I find the most recent obituaries of Quitman?

Simply browse the Quitman’s obituaries listing you can find on this page or conduct a search on the web site with your loved one’s name.

How much does it cost to publish an obituary in Quitman ?

Creating an obituary on Echovita is free. You can click this link to create an obituary.

Can flowers be sent directly to a visitation or funeral service in Quitman?

Yes, flower arrangements are fulfilled and delivered by local florists from Quitman.

How can I create an obituary in Quitman?

Visit this link to create a free obituary then read the advantages of creating an obituary on Echovita and either click “Start now” or “Create an obituary for your loved” to begin.

Can I add photos and videos to an obituary?

Yes, simply click “Add a photo” located underneath the main photo of the obituary then upload the photos/videos you wish to share.

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