Obituaries in the United States of people who died on February 3, 2019 - Page 5

3802 Obituaries

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Year of death



Marian Wolcott Charles Obituary
Marian Wolcott Charles

Sedona, Arizona

February 3, 2019 (89 years old)

Cecil Wilson Obituary
Cecil Wilson

Longview, Texas

February 3, 2019 (93 years old)

Ruth Holt Obituary
Ruth Holt

Brookfield, Missouri

February 3, 2019 (97 years old)

Scott Madden Obituary
Scott Madden

New Castle, Indiana

February 3, 2019 (43 years old)

Grace Sarah Pridgen Obituary
Grace Sarah Pridgen

Moultrie, Georgia

February 3, 2019 (94 years old)

Jeffrey David Hisle Obituary
Jeffrey David Hisle

Indianapolis, Indiana

February 3, 2019 (53 years old)

Russell George Halco Obituary
Russell George Halco

Massillon, Ohio

February 3, 2019 (86 years old)

Nestich R. Frank Obituary
Nestich R. Frank

Loudonville, Ohio

February 3, 2019 (74 years old)

Robert B. Ambler Obituary
Robert B. Ambler

Weymouth, Massachusetts

February 3, 2019 (92 years old)

Patrycia R. Macritchie Obituary
Patrycia R. Macritchie

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

February 3, 2019 (95 years old)

Lawrence Welton Bedwell Obituary
Lawrence Welton Bedwell

Okeechobee, Florida

February 3, 2019 (65 years old)

Jacqueline Beiger Parent Obituary
Jacqueline Beiger Parent

San Antonio, Texas

February 3, 2019 (87 years old)

Leonard Gerard Novak Obituary
Leonard Gerard Novak

Spokane, Washington

February 3, 2019 (69 years old)

Frank Fergus Falgout Obituary
Frank Fergus Falgout

Livermore, California

February 3, 2019 (68 years old)

Bradley Johnson Obituary
Bradley Johnson

Fresno, California

February 3, 2019 (72 years old)

Carol A. Jett Obituary
Carol A. Jett

Washington, Missouri

February 3, 2019 (78 years old)

Heather Neier Obituary
Heather Neier

Washington, Missouri

February 3, 2019 (29 years old)

Isabel L. Jankelson Obituary
Isabel L. Jankelson

Lexington, Massachusetts

February 3, 2019 (88 years old)

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