Obituaries in the United States of people who died on February 3, 2019 - Page 4

3802 Obituaries

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Year of death



Kathy Barber Obituary
Kathy Barber

Rockwood, Tennessee

February 3, 2019 (71 years old)

Marlene Marie Sarmento Obituary
Marlene Marie Sarmento

Sacramento, California

February 3, 2019 (82 years old)

Jack Mercy Obituary
Jack Mercy

Millsboro, Delaware

February 3, 2019 (84 years old)

Clara Stoudemire Obituary
Clara Stoudemire

Chicago, Illinois

February 3, 2019 (88 years old)

Pearl Wright Obituary
Pearl Wright

Carlsbad, California

February 3, 2019 (91 years old)

Alfred Hicks Obituary
Alfred Hicks

Dawson, Georgia

February 3, 2019 (63 years old)

Ruth Lishan Obituary
Ruth Lishan

Los Angeles, California

February 3, 2019 (99 years old)

Karen Jean Purviance Obituary
Karen Jean Purviance

Olympia, Washington

February 3, 2019 (73 years old)

Rudy Marcellus Buckner Sr. Obituary
Rudy Marcellus Buckner Sr.

Sebastian, Florida

February 3, 2019 (58 years old)

Denny Kinard Obituary
Denny Kinard

Batesburg-Leesville, South Carolina

February 3, 2019 (70 years old)

Carlo Cirilo Obituary
Carlo Cirilo

Saginaw, Michigan

February 3, 2019 (87 years old)

Dixie Jean Rigby Obituary
Dixie Jean Rigby

Spencer, Iowa

February 3, 2019 (73 years old)

Yuliana Garcia Obituary
Yuliana Garcia

Coachella, California

February 3, 2019 (17 years old)

William Reed Obituary
William Reed

Gallatin, Missouri

February 3, 2019 (84 years old)

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