Obituaries in the United States of people who died on January 2, 2019 - Page 8

4017 Obituaries

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Year of death



Irene Antoinette Hess Obituary
Irene Antoinette Hess

Jacobsburg, Ohio

January 2, 2019 (91 years old)

Larry Garten Obituary
Larry Garten

Phoenix, Arizona

January 2, 2019 (84 years old)

Lorraine Silvestri Obituary
Lorraine Silvestri

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

January 2, 2019 (85 years old)

Arnulfo Hernandez Obituary
Arnulfo Hernandez

Yakima, Washington

January 2, 2019 (59 years old)

Cash McMahon Obituary
Cash McMahon

Burien, Washington

January 2, 2019 (28 years old)

Felicia Simmons Obituary
Felicia Simmons

Fort Pierce, Florida

January 2, 2019 (32 years old)

Jamal Booker Obituary
Jamal Booker

Fort Pierce, Florida

January 2, 2019 (18 years old)

Melissa Fay Lomelin Obituary
Melissa Fay Lomelin

Anchorage, Alaska

January 2, 2019 (38 years old)

Frances Irene Thompson Obituary
Frances Irene Thompson

Weir, Kansas

January 2, 2019 (87 years old)

Edward Dean Moffat Obituary
Edward Dean Moffat

Madison, Wisconsin

January 2, 2019 (85 years old)

Carol Lee Obituary
Carol Lee

Ashland City, Tennessee

January 2, 2019 (78 years old)

Bonnie Daly Obituary
Bonnie Daly

Sonoma, California

January 2, 2019 (65 years old)

Annette Karen Cracroft Obituary
Annette Karen Cracroft

Salt Lake City, Utah

January 2, 2019 (55 years old)

Karl Maximilian Ellzey Obituary
Karl Maximilian Ellzey

Gotha, Florida

January 2, 2019 (48 years old)

Kathy Rigdon Obituary
Kathy Rigdon

Tampa, Florida

January 2, 2019 (67 years old)

Billie Mayfield Cook Obituary
Billie Mayfield Cook

Melbourne, Arkansas

January 2, 2019 (69 years old)

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