Obituaries in the United States of people who died on August 16, 2018 - Page 14

3131 Obituaries

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Year of death



Dario Rios Obituary
Dario Rios

Merced, California

August 16, 2018 (62 years old)

William Jung Wall Obituary
William Jung Wall

Middlebury, Indiana

August 16, 2018 (65 years old)

Therese M. Splitt Obituary
Therese M. Splitt

Lemont, Illinois

August 16, 2018 (88 years old)

Roxanne Collins Obituary
Roxanne Collins

Englewood, New Jersey

August 16, 2018 (71 years old)

Tommy B. Shields Obituary
Tommy B. Shields

McKinney, Texas

August 16, 2018 (88 years old)

Elaine M. Paisley Obituary
Elaine M. Paisley

Maryland, New York

August 16, 2018 (80 years old)

Reverend Harold Gene Sassman Obituary
Reverend Harold Gene Sassman

Canadian, Texas

August 16, 2018 (80 years old)

Denise Louise Parks Obituary
Denise Louise Parks

Orland, California

August 16, 2018 (57 years old)

Hilda M. Bodo Obituary
Hilda M. Bodo

Canton, Ohio

August 16, 2018 (91 years old)

Marilyn Ann Haima Obituary
Marilyn Ann Haima

Cle Elum, Washington

August 16, 2018 (79 years old)

John Brasser Obituary
John Brasser

Greece, New York

August 16, 2018 (67 years old)

Barbara Flaugher Obituary
Barbara Flaugher

Pleasanton, California

August 16, 2018 (70 years old)

Deburha Clark Obituary
Deburha Clark

Palm Springs, California

August 16, 2018 (64 years old)

Calvin Lee Nettles Obituary
Calvin Lee Nettles

Vredenburgh, Alabama

August 16, 2018 (82 years old)

Clifford E. Huss Obituary
Clifford E. Huss

Dayton, Washington

August 16, 2018 (98 years old)

Donald Nott Obituary
Donald Nott

Barberton, Ohio

August 16, 2018 (80 years old)

Kenneth Trent Holder Obituary
Kenneth Trent Holder

Corinth, Mississippi

August 16, 2018 (61 years old)

Doyle Allen Obituary
Doyle Allen

Ogden, Utah

August 16, 2018 (90 years old)

Adrianne Denise Teran Obituary
Adrianne Denise Teran

Tucson, Arizona

August 16, 2018 (42 years old)

Tommy Ray Floyd Obituary
Tommy Ray Floyd

Okeechobee, Florida

August 16, 2018 (47 years old)

Cheryl Gamble Obituary
Cheryl Gamble

Bainbridge, Georgia

August 16, 2018 (52 years old)

John Noah Gardenhire Obituary
John Noah Gardenhire

Monterey, California

August 16, 2018 (69 years old)

Cletus Earley Jr. Obituary
Cletus Earley Jr.

Los Altos, California

August 16, 2018 (93 years old)

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