Sylva Obituaries - Page 9

965 Obituaries

Search obituaries and death notices from Sylva, North Carolina, brought to you by Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express your feelings by leaving condolence messages. You can also send flowers or thoughtful gifts to commemorate your loved ones.



Year of death



Theodore Roosevelt Hensley Jr. Obituary
Theodore Roosevelt Hensley Jr.

August 17, 2023 (63 years old)

Minnie Lee Morgan Obituary
Minnie Lee Morgan

August 16, 2023 (88 years old)

Margaret Worley Crowe Obituary
Margaret Worley Crowe

August 14, 2023 (96 years old)

Gregory Stephen Baxter Obituary
Gregory Stephen Baxter

August 12, 2023 (62 years old)

Kathy Webster Obituary
Kathy Webster

August 12, 2023 (59 years old)

Olbin Enrique Calderon Mazariegos Obituary
Olbin Enrique Calderon Mazariegos

August 5, 2023 (37 years old)

Terry Ray Nelson Franklin Obituary
Terry Ray Nelson Franklin

August 10, 2023 (59 years old)

Barbara Jane Osment Obituary
Barbara Jane Osment

August 6, 2023 (85 years old)

Zachary Logan Bryson Obituary
Zachary Logan Bryson

August 5, 2023 (27 years old)

Gregory David Scott Obituary
Gregory David Scott

August 1, 2023 (80 years old)

Marilyn Rowena Henson Hixon Obituary
Marilyn Rowena Henson Hixon

August 1, 2023 (75 years old)

Peggy Middleton Cagle Obituary
Peggy Middleton Cagle

July 28, 2023 (89 years old)

Judith Funderburk Forbis Obituary
Judith Funderburk Forbis

July 28, 2023 (68 years old)

Doris N. Mackey Obituary
Doris N. Mackey

July 28, 2023 (80 years old)

Roger Dale Melton Obituary
Roger Dale Melton

July 28, 2023 (74 years old)

Betty Arrington Obituary
Betty Arrington

July 25, 2023 (91 years old)

Linda Wheeler Cook Obituary
Linda Wheeler Cook

July 24, 2023 (74 years old)

Lawrence Richard Gardner Obituary
Lawrence Richard Gardner

July 23, 2023 (78 years old)

Michael Grayson Wilkes Obituary
Michael Grayson Wilkes

July 21, 2023 (76 years old)

Edgar Van Bottorf Obituary
Edgar Van Bottorf

July 20, 2023 (73 years old)

Kathy Ellis Obituary
Kathy Ellis

July 14, 2023 (74 years old)

Harold Dempsey Buchanan Obituary
Harold Dempsey Buchanan

July 16, 2023 (86 years old)

Janice Monteith Blanton Obituary
Janice Monteith Blanton

July 14, 2023 (82 years old)

Winston Hardman Obituary
Winston Hardman

July 12, 2023 (93 years old)


What people want to know about obituary from Sylva

Where can I find the most recent obituaries of Sylva?

Simply browse the Sylva’s obituaries listing you can find on this page or conduct a search on the web site with your loved one’s name.

How much does it cost to publish an obituary in Sylva ?

Creating an obituary on Echovita is free. You can click this link to create an obituary.

Can flowers be sent directly to a visitation or funeral service in Sylva?

Yes, flower arrangements are fulfilled and delivered by local florists from Sylva.

How can I create an obituary in Sylva?

Visit this link to create a free obituary then read the advantages of creating an obituary on Echovita and either click “Start now” or “Create an obituary for your loved” to begin.

Can I add photos and videos to an obituary?

Yes, simply click “Add a photo” located underneath the main photo of the obituary then upload the photos/videos you wish to share.

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