Obituaries in the United States of people who died on May 11, 2019 - Page 5

3459 Obituaries

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Year of death



Catherine Joan Kerr Obituary
Catherine Joan Kerr

West Linn, Oregon

May 11, 2019 (94 years old)

Freda Gladys Fox Obituary
Freda Gladys Fox

Empire, California

May 11, 2019 (101 years old)

Patsy Lou Vick Obituary
Patsy Lou Vick

Palm Beach, Florida

May 11, 2019 (87 years old)

Lindbergh Bell Obituary
Lindbergh Bell

Rancho Mirage, California

May 11, 2019 (91 years old)

Edward Overton Obituary
Edward Overton

Grove Hill, Alabama

May 11, 2019 (90 years old)

Eugene Johnson Sr. Obituary
Eugene Johnson Sr.

Idabel, Oklahoma

May 11, 2019 (68 years old)

Luis Rafael Calderon Obituary
Luis Rafael Calderon

Melbourne, Florida

May 11, 2019 (68 years old)

Lewis M. Cox II Obituary
Lewis M. Cox II

Larchmont, New York

May 11, 2019 (74 years old)

Andrea L. Sherman Obituary
Andrea L. Sherman

Omaha, Nebraska

May 11, 2019 (79 years old)

Amanda Burton Obituary
Amanda Burton

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

May 11, 2019 (25 years old)

William A. Olejko Obituary
William A. Olejko

Vermilion, Ohio

May 11, 2019 (65 years old)

Gordon Strom Obituary
Gordon Strom

Seattle, Washington

May 11, 2019 (87 years old)

Earl D. Kipp Obituary
Earl D. Kipp

Saratoga Springs, New York

May 11, 2019 (71 years old)

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