Obituaries in the United States of people who died on January 22, 2008

118 Obituaries

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Year of death



Jeanette Chauncey Obituary
Jeanette Chauncey

Tampa, Florida

January 22, 2008 (73 years old)

Emma Sprenger Obituary
Emma Sprenger

Jamestown, North Dakota

January 22, 2008 (93 years old)

Rose Kasun Obituary
Rose Kasun

Orland Park, Illinois

January 22, 2008 (67 years old)

Louis Mathis Obituary
Louis Mathis

Texarkana, Arkansas

January 22, 2008 (72 years old)

John Steven Arthur Obituary
John Steven Arthur

Abilene, Texas

January 22, 2008 (58 years old)

Pauline J. Steely Obituary
Pauline J. Steely

Denver, Pennsylvania

January 22, 2008 (79 years old)

James Berkley Obituary
James Berkley

Eugene, Oregon

January 22, 2008 (87 years old)

Patrick Sullivan Obituary
Patrick Sullivan

Gladstone, Michigan

January 22, 2008 (76 years old)

Betty Jane Whitlock Obituary
Betty Jane Whitlock

Hiwassee, Virginia

January 22, 2008 (77 years old)

Charles Bentley Obituary
Charles Bentley

McKenney, Virginia

January 22, 2008 (85 years old)

Francis Stelly Obituary
Francis Stelly

Carencro, Louisiana

January 22, 2008 (73 years old)

Louanna Niemoeller Obituary
Louanna Niemoeller

Columbus, Indiana

January 22, 2008 (91 years old)

Christopher Maudlin Obituary
Christopher Maudlin

Hillsboro, Indiana

January 22, 2008 (24 years old)

Mary Dal Pra Obituary
Mary Dal Pra

Rockford, Illinois

January 22, 2008 (87 years old)

Victoria Cosby Obituary
Victoria Cosby

Newport News, Virginia

January 22, 2008 (49 years old)

Alta Ugi Obituary
Alta Ugi

East Saint Louis, Illinois

January 22, 2008 (95 years old)

Charlotte Johnson Obituary
Charlotte Johnson

Glen Carbon, Illinois

January 22, 2008 (47 years old)

Dan Norman Obituary
Dan Norman

Whitehouse, Texas

January 22, 2008 (69 years old)

Carl Glover Obituary
Carl Glover

Lafayette, Louisiana

January 22, 2008 (58 years old)

Blanche Beck Gregory Obituary
Blanche Beck Gregory

Sheridan, Arkansas

January 22, 2008 (90 years old)

Larry Semeraro Obituary
Larry Semeraro

Cleveland, Tennessee

January 22, 2008 (89 years old)

Charles Warrick Obituary
Charles Warrick

Alma, Arkansas

January 22, 2008 (78 years old)

Edna Knutson Obituary
Edna Knutson

Mitchell, South Dakota

January 22, 2008 (92 years old)

Ruth Lindsey Obituary
Ruth Lindsey

Sedalia, Missouri

January 22, 2008 (86 years old)

Anthony Bianchi Obituary
Anthony Bianchi

Pond, California

January 22, 2008 (87 years old)

Joseph Muoio Jr. Obituary
Joseph Muoio Jr.

Rochester, New York

January 22, 2008 (59 years old)

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