Patricia "Pat" Gorski

January 10, 1933 - March 16, 2023 (90 years old)

Sussex, Wisconsin


Patricia "Pat" Gorski

January 10, 1933 - March 16, 2023 (90 years old)

Sussex, Wisconsin

Patricia Gorski Obituary

Patricia "Pat" Gorski passed away peacefully at her home in Sussex on March 16, 2023, at the age of 90. She is survived by Jerry, her loving and devoted husband of 69 years, and her seven children and their spouses Judy (John) Hoeppner, Susan (Mark Germer, decreased) Gorski, Tom (Linda) Gorski, Carrie Gorski, Dennis (Jane) Gorski, Bec (Greg) Honeck, and Bill Gorski. She was loved and adored by her fourteen grandchildren and their spouses Luke (Linda) Hoeppner, Nate (Yesha) Hoeppner, Jordan (Hisami) Hoeppner, Katie (Jon Anderson) Hall, Lori (Mike) Weinand, Jeannie (Derick) McKennon, Chad (fiancee Kelsey) Gorski, Grant (Katie) Gorski, Natalie (Ryan) McLaury, Julia (Nate) Schmoll, Quinn (Korie) Gorski, Renatta (fiance Whit) Gorski, Josh Honeck, and Ryan Gorski. Her twenty great-grandchildren Hannah Hoeppner, Elizabeth Hoeppner, Peter Hoeppner, Madeline Hoeppner, Bodhen Hoeppner, Rohen Hoeppner, Mia Hoeppner, Joji Hoeppner, Sam Hall, Emily Hall, Aiden Weinand, Lily Weinand, Brecken McLaury, Callum McLaury, Tahlia McLaury, Truitt McLaury, Carsten Schmoll, Drake Schmoll, Everett Schmoll, and Kellen Schmoll cherished her.

Pat began her secretarial career at G.E. Electric and served as administrative assistant at WestSide Tool for many years. Her artistic talents blossomed in her hobbies of gardening, sewing, upholstery, and furniture refinishing. Pat was an avid traveler and camper. Her family and her faith were the center of her universe, Pat will be deeply missed. Her kind and loving disposition will live on in the hearts of many.

Visitation is on Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 10AM until time of the 11AM Memorial Mass at St. James Catholic Church, W220 N6588 Townline Road, Menomonee Falls, WI. In lieu of flowers, memorials to the Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska, 1312 Peger Rd., Fairbanks, AK 99709, St. James Congregation, W220 N6588 Townline Rd., Menomonee Falls, WI 53051, or St.Labre Indian School - Educational Association, Ashland, MT 59440 are appreciated.

Authorized by Schmidt and Bartelt Funeral and Cremation Services


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Mar 25


St. James Catholic Church
W220N6588 Town Line Rd, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051


Mar 25

Funeral Mass

St. James Catholic Church
W220N6588 Town Line Rd, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051