Martin Gartner Obituary
Martin Gartner passed to Eternal Life, 5-14-2024 at the age of 95 years young. He is finally joined with the love of his life, Paula (1-16-2016).
He was born Nov 06, 1928 in Privlaka, Yugoslavia into a German farming family. His German heritage placed him in the minority and German was never spoken on the streets. His days growing up during WW2 were hard work running the family farm. His father, Mathias, went off to war but never returned home. His mother passed away post childbirth after his sister Barbara was born. Martin often commented he had no recollection of his mother's face and longed to see her. As his stepmother added siblings to the family, he slept in the barn with the farm animals. He told many fond stories of his success at raising pigs as a youth. He is survived by all his siblings, Barbara Ohrband, Anni Heidenreich and Rudolf Gaertner, all of whom reside in Germany.
Martin's life was the "best" as he would describe the joy of finding the love of his life, winning his mother in-law over to his side, and growing a young family in the USA. Despite many hardships, in his last days he remarked that he had a wonderful life and he would not trade it for anything. Martin was a hard worker and friends and family called upon him for his ready, steady hand which was always available. Martin was gifted, talented, and smart. He could fix anything. He undertook big projects, with no prior knowledge, and figured things out as he went along. Through his hard work, he raised his family and watched them prosper through the Catholic education he never had an opportunity to enjoy.
He relished the successes of his sons, putting them through Messmer and Marquette University, and watched as Grandchildren, Christina, Katie, and Andrew, arrived into his life. They were always welcomed to Oma and Opa's house. Oma and Opa's imprint of love is carried forward in all of them.
Throughout his life, Martin had his faith to guide him. In their retirement, living in Sussex, Mom and Dad, attended St. James parish. After moving to Mequon, he would join Mass at Lumen Christi and later Gesu, with Joe and Catherine. He was eager to go to church until the physical effort became too much of an endeavor. Afterwards, he welcomed home Communion with special reverence. It was his life connection and goal to be with Jesus, his wife and parents in heaven and he welcomed that transition.
Martin influenced many lives that continue to shape the present and future.
Everyone who has known him carries his gift of love and humility.
Sevices are slated for June 14 at Our Lady of Divine Providence (St. Casimir), 2600 N. Bremen St, Milwaukee, WI 53212 with 12pm visitation, and 1 pm Mass.