Janet Irene Gross's obituary , Passed away on January 4, 2025 in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin

Janet Irene Gross

March 6, 1928 - January 4, 2025 (96 years old)

Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin

Janet Irene Gross's obituary , Passed away on January 4, 2025 in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin

Janet Irene Gross

March 6, 1928 - January 4, 2025 (96 years old)

Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin

Janet Irene Gross Obituary

Gross, Janet Irene Janet Gross went to be with the Lord and Savior on January 4, 2025 surrounded by her family at Shorehaven Care Center, age 96 years. Janet was born March 6, 1928 in Milwaukee to Herman and Wanda Erdmann. She was married to the love of her life, Walter E. Gross on August 14, 1948. She missed him every day since his passing on July 23, 2013.

She dearly loved her 4 children, 13 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Surviving her are her children: Sally Maki, Robert Gross, Cythina (Mark) Cordes, Walter (Beth) Gross; grandchildren Christy Shulthess, Nicole Hecker-Gross, Jason Gross, Krystal Gross, Joel Cordes, Katie Cella, Sarah Hafner, Charis Karas, Jonathan Gross, Lauren Mead, Kali Westenberg, Jennifer Gross and Hannah Gross; great-grandchildren Sydney Hecker-Gross, Dane, Evan and Anderson Cordes, Lucas and Caroline Cella, Nolan and Ella Karas, Moses Gross, Amelia, Zeva, Mabel Mead, and Harlan Westenberg. Survived by brothers Lester and Gordon Erdmann and sister Ethel (Norman) Veik.

Besides her husband Walter, Janet was preceded in death by her siblings and their spouses: Arthur and Doris Erdmann, May and Howard Rainwater, Violet and William Cribb, and sisters-in-law Rosalie Erdmann and Patricia Erdmann.

Janet was an amazing chef and baker for her family. She also enjoyed working 40 years for Gimbels and Boston Store- retiring at age 80.

Our family will forever be grateful to the entire staff at Shorehaven. They truly love the residents and families in their care. In addition, AGrace Hospice has and amazing and compassionate team. Janet loved everyone who tended to her daily needs. You are ALL angels in the world. We just can't see your wings! A service will be held at 10am on Friday January 10, 2025 at Pilgrim Lutheran Church, W156 N5436 Bette Dr. in Menomonee Falls. Procession to Wisconsin Memorial Park to immediately follow the service.

In lieu of flowers, memorials to the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 11831 N. Seminary Dr., Mequon, WI 53092 would be greatly appreciated.

Authorized by Schmidt and Bartelt Funeral and Cremation Services


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Jan 10

Funeral service

Pilgrim Lutheran Church
W156N5436 Bette Dr, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051