Frank Manuel Federico Obituary
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our father, Frank Manuel Federico at the age of 72.
Frank was born in Selma, CA on 10/20/1951 and passed peacefully on 03/15/2024 in Vancouver, WA. Our father was always ready for a new adventure. He was the oldest of the Federico-Llausas crew. Frankie was a graduate of Central Union High School, where he was popular, loved and a great track star. He was an altar boy all through his school years. After graduation he went on to join the Marines and was sent to Vietnam for a couple tours.
He leaves behind his daughters, 1 son, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sisters, brother, aunts, nieces, nephews and a host of family members and friends from all over the U.S.
He was proceeded in death by his mother, father, brother and aunt.
Rest easy, until we meet again.