Vaughn Hansen Sr. Obituary
In Loving memory of our Dad (Grandpa) Vaughn Hansen Sr.
He went to be with God March 22, 2022, at his home surrounded by Family.
Celebration of Life will be held April 23 at The Grange - 44 S 4th, Burbank, WA. 99323 From 10AM – 2PM.
He is survived by the Love of his life Janet. 6 Children: Janice, John (Laura), Vaughn Jr., Ed (Avvy), Shane (Julie), Lisa (Richard). 8 Grandchildren: Sherri (Justin), Jamie, Katherine (Daymien), Ashley (Jeff), Shawna (Dustin), Robin, Devin, Samantha. 9 Great grandchildren: James, Zoey, Bailey, Jeff, Randy, Levi, Rider, Billie, Fiona and many cousins, nieces and nephews.