Patrick Phillip Donnelly Obituary
Patrick (Pat) Phillip Donnelly, beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend, passed into the eternal and loving arms of Jesus on January 7, 2022 after suffering complications with COVID.
Pat was born to Jaques (Jack) and Phyllis Donnelly on October 13th, 1951 in Seattle, Washington. Both Jack and Phyllis have gone on to be with the Lord, as well as his eldest sister Jackie. Pat is survived by his youngest sister Cathy.
Pat was married for 45 years to Kathleen (Kathy) Hart Donnelly, who also passed into glory on January 19, 2022 due to complications with COVID. They are survived by their daughter Lynda Donnelly-Crites, their son-in-law, Rex Crites, and their children, Jayden, Aeslyn, and Eodyn and their son Michael Donnelly and his children, Ian, Brady, and Jackson.
Pat’s relationship with Jesus Christ was of utmost importance to him and he was happy to share the gospel (1Corinthians 15:1-4) with anyone who may need to hear of the hope he had found.
Pat was a veteran of the United States Navy, he was a retired Reserve Deputy from the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, and he had just retired from the Washington State Department of Corrections. Pat was also a black belt in Isshin-ryu karate.
A celebration of Pat and his wife Kathy’s lives will be held on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, at The Bridge Church, 23001 WA-3, Belfair, Washington 98528. The celebration will begin at 12pm.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made, in loving memory of Pat and Kathy, to Operation Ward 57 ( to help wounded and ill service members, veterans, and their caregivers.
“ thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life” Revelation 2:10