Louise Kafka Obituary
Burlington, VT
Louise Lane Kafka, 65, of Burlington, VT, died September 3, 2021, at the McClure Miller Respite House in Colchester, VT. Her loving husband, Charles Kafka, was at her side.
Louise was born on April 3, 1956 in Lancaster, PA. Her parents, George and Charlotte Lane, moved to Northfield, VT, when Louise was four years old. She graduated from Northfield High School, studied elementary education and music at Norwich University, and received a nursing degree from Vermont College.
After some years in Nashville, TN, where she worked as a nurse and met her husband Charles, she returned to Vermont. She and Charles lived in Northfield for a number of years before moving to Burlington.
She particularly enjoyed several summers working for the Sisters of Mercy at Camp Marycrest in Grand Isle, VT, as a nurse and waterfront counselor. She also worked for the Sisters as the night porter at their convent in Burlington.
Louise had a lovely singing voice and never lost her love for music. She was devoted to her family, friends, and to her pets. She enjoyed reading, needlework, and visits to the Burlington farmers' market. In her later years, she was particularly thankful for the care given her by the dialysis team at the UVM Medical Center.
Her husband, Charles Kafka of Burlington; her sister Cynthia Lane Gause of College Station, TX; and numerous other family members survive her.