Paul Simmons's obituary , Passed away on April 4, 2022 in Hopewell, Virginia

Paul Simmons

February 5, 1968 - April 4, 2022 (54 years old)

Hopewell, Virginia

Paul Simmons's obituary , Passed away on April 4, 2022 in Hopewell, Virginia

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Morrissett Funeral and Cremation Service


Paul Simmons

February 5, 1968 - April 4, 2022 (54 years old)

Hopewell, Virginia

Paul Simmons Obituary

Paul Simmons Obituary | Morrissett Funeral & Cremation Service COVID PROCEDURES.

Paul Simmons, 54, of Hopewell, passed away on Monday, April 4, 2022. He is survived by his two Sons, Brian Simmons (Rebecca) and Bradley Simmons (Heather); Sister, Barbara Albert; stepsister, Petra Grami; Mother to his sons, Mary Groman; and 5 grandchildren. Paul was a great dad and teacher to his son, he will be greatly missed. He was a rider and loved his Harley Davidsons. Paul was preceded in death by his father, Paul J. Simmons; Mother, Ingeborg E. Simmons; Grandson, Jayden Simmons. A celebration of life will be planned after a private family viewing.

No Events & Services No Charities &. Donations No Gallery Photos No Videos 0 Live Chat (804) 275-7828 Call Now Button Important Update Regarding COVID-19 Morrissett Funeral and Cremation Service is constantly monitoring the rapid changes of COVID-19 (Corona Virus).

As of May 26, 2020, Governor Northam has put an order in place requiring masks to be worn when in public buildings. In order to protect the vulnerable and high-risk members of the community, it is highly recommended that face masks be worn. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide masks for visitors; please utilize your own. Failure to use a mask while in our establishment will be an assumed release of liability.

All Morrissett Staff will be wearing face masks at all times.

We have placed hand sanitizer and polite reminders throughout the building to assist with cleanliness. We have upgraded the air filters on all of our HVAC systems to promote cleaner air exchange.

Once again, we ask you to practice safe social distancing, and to please not attend if you are ill or at high risk.

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Morrissett Funeral and Cremation Service

Updated by : Joseph Simmons


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