Nancy Ellen Gelhart Obituary
Nancy Ellen Sherland escaped this mortal realm and completed all she was sent forth to do on December 17, 2020, passing peacefully away and truly resembling an "angel" with her beautiful flawless skin and golden long hair. She was 84 years young, a true gentle soul, feisty, kind, patient, soft and she claimed she'd never age because she felt so vital, loving her full life and family connections.
Her family held her, comforting her until her passing. Nancy was a teacher by education. A cook by love of food and decadence. A decorator with a keen sense of style for the home, hair and clothing design. She did everything "just right" putting her heart and soul into her work. Nancy was filled with love. There wasn't a day go by that Nancy wasn't caring and always put her whole being into loving family and friends, cultivating the best for them.
No stone went unturned with Nancy. Her presentation was always spot on with the house decor, and cleanliness. The amazing meals she would create in the kitchen where both a rainbow in color and nutritious. Her son Rick's favorite recipe was her enchiladas, she would always make them for his birthday, when he returned from the military and college; her niece Rhonda says, "Aunt Nancy's home made chicken soup and pot roast were divine," and her daughters Michelle and Vicki will always remember the freshly baked, hot, chocolate chip cookies and home sewn dresses waiting for them when they came home from school.
If anyone can ever find the family recipes, please let me know. Nancy was born to the parents of the late Frank and Helen Sherland in Yakima, Washington on July 16, 1936. She was the eldest of 3 children, with the late Fred Sherland and surviving Larry Sherland as her brothers. They lived a comfortable, family oriented life in Yakima.
After graduating from Yakima high school, Nancy married her love, Robert Preston Gelhart of Granger, Washington. They established home, family and career over the years during Robert's schooling in Washington, Redondo Beach, California, Greeley, Colorado and eventually settling down in Las Vegas, Nevada. Nancy is survived by her brother Larry Sherland, her children Rick Preston Gelhart, Vicki Lynn Shook, Michelle Adair McNeill.
Her grandchildren Stacey Kammeyer, James "Cody" McNeill, Olin Jens McNeill and her great grandchildren the late Kamie Bartlett, Destin Low, KaBella Low, Dawnley Low and Alivia McNeill. She is deeply loved and her memories will always be cherished. Nancy was a dedicated member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
She attended church regularly holding many positions of service and developing a strong testimony of spirit and religion. She instilled this religious foundation in her home and with her children. She truly taught me prayer and gratitude. Nancy found refuge amongst her membership and community. She looked forward to reuniting with her Savior and Heavenly Father.
I can see her "sparkle" in this angelic state with them now. As Nancy's life journey continued, she divorced. She then, actively supported her son Rick through the military and college education, her daughter Vicki through her college education and Michelle in her Fire Service career. Now, her children were off to college with marriages and families of their own.
Nancy began working for herself, very diligently to attain her beauticians license, her nursing assistant education and eventually her college education. With a bachelors in Education, Nancy became a teacher. She worked primarily in Loma Linda and Redlands, California. This is where she comfortably resided for over 30 years.
Part of the time in Loma Linda, she lived with a dear friend Bill Davis. Bill use to say "We are living the happily ever after stage, with a big grin on his face. We deserve to be comfortable, do whatever we want and support each other.". It wouldn't be unlike Nancy to drive a very sporty car her whole life, even to the end.
"Where is my car she would say? I've got to go!". One family member gave Nancy the nickname: "Fancy Nancy," though she always wanted to be called "Gigi.". That's a younger grandma name. When Nancy's health took and turn, she knew she wanted to live close to her family. Family was always her priority. She moved to Utah to be closer to her son and daughter.
She lived the last years, amongst and with, Michelle and Kevin McNeill in Beaver, Utah. Eventually she needed progressive care at Beaver Long Term Care. Her family still remained actively connected to Nancy, filling her with love during her stay there. (For the records in history, Nancy passed during a world pandemic event of COVID-19, however was not affected and maintained a healthy immune system throughout her life. "Probably because she cooked so well.") An intimate ceremony will be held on Wednesday, December 23 at 1:00pm at the Southern Utah Mortuary in Beaver, Utah.
The burial will take place following at the Beaver's Mountain View Cemetery. She would love for you to attend. To plant Memorial Trees in memory of.