Daniel Lamont Kinney's obituary , Passed away on November 9, 2021 in Windcrest, Texas

Daniel Lamont Kinney

January 14, 1962 - November 9, 2021 (59 years old)

Windcrest, Texas

Daniel Lamont Kinney's obituary , Passed away on November 9, 2021 in Windcrest, Texas

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Sunset Funeral Home & Sunset Memorial Gardens


Daniel Lamont Kinney

January 14, 1962 - November 9, 2021 (59 years old)

Windcrest, Texas

Daniel Lamont Kinney Obituary

Daniel Lamont Kinney, II was born to Orson Alonzo Kinney, IV and Virginia Anne Moore Kinney on January 14, 1962 in Topeka, Kansas. A big healthy happy boy, Danny charged into life, keeping up with his big sister Ginny in exploring and enjoying the world, especially the nature and animals around him. Danny, as a big brother, became playmate and protector for Kathy, becoming that quintessential “middle child.” His way was to make his family laugh whenever possible.

A military child for his first 10 years, Danny made himself at home in several states, on the soil of Korea, and on the soil of Europe before returning to Texas as a sixth grader, where he grew up in San Antonio, playing sports, scouting in the Boy Scouts, playing Tuba in the band until he graduated from Theodore Roosevelt High School in 1979 before matriculating to ATM University, where he joined the Band Corps.

Dan, as he was known to most in his adult life, was a tender-hearted, kind man, one of those big guys whose soft-spoken words generally lifted up those around him. His varied career path landed him at Time Warner Cable, where he grew into a leader among his peer team. He stayed with the company as it transitioned to Spectrum, remaining there until his untimely death. At his father’s funeral, his co-workers commented on how much they admired Dan, relating that he had touched their lives and made them feel special and valued.

Although Danny became a hard-working man who supported and led many with sage advice and heartfelt kindness, all who knew him experienced his mild temperament, his humor, and his intentional positivity. An absolute peacemaker, Dan was drawn to the outdoors, to nature and pets, and to creating a restful environment. His creativity can be seen in his early family gifts of home-made purple Martin apartment complex, a cutting board modeled after the family cat, Chatta, and various original poems gifted to encourage and lift up the recipients. His later creativity turned to refurbishing homes and yards, building ponds, benches and decks to create special spaces to sit and contemplate life.

After losing his battle to Hairy-cell Leukemia, Dan left this earth from his Windcrest home the afternoon of November 9th, and was met by Jesus along with his parents, Anne and Bud Kinney in heaven. All of heaven celebrated his abundant entry. He will be missed by his long-time partner and wife, Mary Elizabeth Castro and her son Brandon, by his sisters Virginia Marie Kinney and Katherine Elizabeth Corley, and her husband Kurt Corley and their children Robert, Katelyn, and Megan Corley, and by his son Daniel Lamont Kinney, III, until the glorious day they join him in heaven.

Come celebrate Danny’s life on December 2, 2021 at 10:30, 11:30, and 12:30-2:30, at Sunset Funeral Home, San Antonio, Texas.

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Sunset Funeral Home & Sunset Memorial Gardens

Created by : Virginia Kinney

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