Riley Tinnon's obituary , Passed away on September 20, 2022 in Carthage, Texas

Riley Tinnon

February 8, 1945 - September 20, 2022 (77 years old)

Carthage, Texas

Riley Tinnon's obituary , Passed away on September 20, 2022 in Carthage, Texas

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Allen Dave Funeral Homes


Riley Tinnon

February 8, 1945 - September 20, 2022 (77 years old)

Carthage, Texas

Riley Tinnon Obituary

Mr. Riley Tinnon 77, of Carthage, Texas passed away September 20, 2022.

We cherish the life and legacy of Mr. Tinnon.

Arrangements are under the direction of Allen Dave Funeral Home 2107 Hwy 149.

Carthage, Texas 75633 (p) 903-263-0003 (f) 713-634-2707.

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Allen Dave Funeral Homes

Updated by : Bekah Tinnon

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A person wrote a message from the heart


Words of sympathy

July 24, 2024

Bekah Tinnon wrote a sympathy message

“I’m sorry to hear of Riley’s passing. I am one of his many children born in the 80’s. I’ve connected with other siblings through ancestry and none of us have ever seen him. Can someone send me a picture? It would be nice to see the face of my father at least once in my life. Thank you. [email protected]



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