Brandon Coy Poe Obituary
The family will receive friends from 12:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. with a graveside service to follow, Friday February 23, 2024, at Memorial Funeral Home.
Brandon Coy Poe passed away February 19th, 2024, at the age of 45 after many years of illness. He fought very hard to remain here with his family, but God called him home. He was funny and kind, and was a loving and devoted father, son, husband, grandfather, and brother. He was preceded in death by his brother Bradley Poe. He leaves behind his parents Tim and Joy Poe, his wife Mariah Moore Poe, his children Josalynn Poe, Isabella Poe, and Bryson Poe. His grandson Oliver Poe, Sister and Brother-in-Law Timber and Dalton Gallagher, nephew and nieces Zayne Poe, Riley Poe, and Sadie Poe. His grandmother Joyce Poe, as well as many uncles, aunts, and Cousins. He was truly an amazing person, who was so loved, and he will be missed. The love and memories we shared with him will live on forever.