Frank Green Obituary
Frank Green, age 86, passed away on August 8, 2022. Mr. Green was the owner of Greens Appliance for more than 65 years. The Graveside Service, conducted by Brother Danny Sellars, is 12 p.m. Friday, August 12, 2022 at Defeated Creek Memorial, Defeated Creek TN. The family will be receiving friends at Sellars Funeral Home, Lebanon TN, on Friday, August 12, 2022 from 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Oscar Frank Green was born in Carthage TN to Evie Martin and Leslie C. Green. He is survived by son: Kevin Green; sister-in-law: Mildred Green; niece: Sandra Duke; mother of children/caregiver: Glenda Granstaff; grandson: Cody Smith; and many other family members and friends. He is preceded in death by daughters Trena Green and Tracy Smith, parents Evie and Leslie Green, and brother Jewell Green.
In lieu of flowers, please make. Memorial Donations directly to the funeral home to assist with funeral expenses. Sellars Funeral Home, Lebanon TN, 615.444.9393.