Raymond Prince Obituary
Born on Saturday, March 16, 1946 in Manning, he was a son of the late Jonathan Prince and the late Roberta Mack Prince. Graveside services celebrating his life will take place on Sunday, December 5, 2021, at 12:00 noon from the Prince family plot located in the Society Hill A.M.E. Church Cemetery, 1030 Morello Rd., Jordan Community of Manning, where the Rev. Nathaniel Kendrick, pastor of the Society Hill A.M.E. Church, will preside.
The Rev. Dr. Leroy Green will bring words of encouragement. Services will be live streamed on our Facebook page at Fleming & DeLaine Funeral Home and Chapel. Public viewing will take place on Saturday, December 4, 2021, during the hours of 4:00pm - 6:00pm from the Fleming & DeLaine Chapel, 222 West Boyce St., Manning. In accordance with the requirements given by the CDC in reference to the Covid-19 pandemic, the family is not receiving relatives and friends at the residence.
Donations may be made payable to Society Hill A.M.E. Church c/o the Prince family. Fleming & DeLaine Funeral Home and Chapel of Manning is assisting the Prince family.