Mary C. Barker's obituary , Passed away on May 19, 2022 in Aiken, South Carolina

Mary C. Barker

October 7, 1946 - May 19, 2022 (75 years old)

Aiken, South Carolina

Mary C. Barker's obituary , Passed away on May 19, 2022 in Aiken, South Carolina

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Tomlinson Funeral Home


Mary C. Barker

October 7, 1946 - May 19, 2022 (75 years old)

Aiken, South Carolina

Mary C. Barker Obituary

Mary C. Barker, 76, resident of Aiken, South Carolina, passed away Thursday afternoon at Aiken Regional Medical Center. Mary was born in Columbia, SC, daughter of David Birchmore and Margaret Kneece Birchmore. She had worked as a nurse until her retirement .

Memorial services will be held at a later date.

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Tomlinson Funeral Home

Updated by : Mellisa Harris

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