Inez Terry Obituary
Memorial donations can be made to: Amigos de Jesus Orphanage, 126 Woodland Ave., Malvern, PA 19355, or Camilla Hall, Attn., Mission Advancement, 1140 King Road, Malvern, PA 19355 Inez C. Terry March 14, 1929 - May 18, 2017 Inez Coleman Terry was born i n Ph i l adelphia on March 14, 1929 to the late W i lliam Coleman and Mabel Clark Coleman.
During her youth, Inez spent most of her time with her grandparents, especially her Grand pop Scott. She attended St. Stephens in Philadelphi a and graduated from West Catholic for Gir l s in 1947. Inez marr i ed Nathan " Nate" Terry on September 24, 1 960, at Our Lady of V i ctory Church i n Philade l ph i a. In 1 96 1 , she and Nate bu i l t a house in Malvern where they rai sed their three beautiful daughters Janice, Natalie and Phyllis.
Inez was l ater b l essed with her i ntelligent and handsome grandson Andrew Russell , who was the light of her life. Inez was emp l oyed by AT&T in the ear l y 1 950s where she was one of the first Afr i can-Amer i can long-d i stance telephone operators and l ater worked i n the Accounting department. She left AT&T in the l ate 60s and over the subsequent years held jobs at various other companies.
In addition, Inez was a volunteer at the Malvern Library and was al so Cookie Chairman for the Girl Scouts during the time that her daughters participated. Inez attended lmmacul ata Universi ty and carried a double major of Theology and English. She earned a Bachel or of Arts degree at the age of 76 and at the same time was inducted into Theta Alpha Kappa, Alpha Epsilon Eta chapter (the theological honor society).
Inez al ways supported her daughters i n their pursu i t of higher educat i on and was an i nspirat i on to others to do the same, no matter their age. Inez was an act i ve member of St. Patr i ck's Church i n Malvern s i nce 1 96 1 where she served as a Rosary group leader and Eucharistic Minister until her passing. While doing so, she touched the hearts of and made a l ast i ng impression on everyone she met.
Inez's hobb i es i ncluded genea l ogy, Sudoku, read i ng her Nook and caring for Benny, her bel oved cat. Most of all, she enjoyed the visi ts from the family down the street, part i cu l ar l y the ch i l dren, all of whom were so good to her after Nate passed away. Inez i s surv i ved by her daughters Jan i ce Terry-Russell and Natalie Terry, both of West Chester; Phyllis Terry (Karen Izzi) of Exton; grandson Andrew Russell of West Chester; former son-in-law Glenn Russell of Wilmington, DE; sister Soi esette F. Robinson of Peabody, MA; brothers Stephen Hopkins (Gl ori a) of Philade l ph i a and Omar Hopkins ofTexas; and countless fr i ends who l oved her dearly.
In addition to her parents