Lorraine K. Orfield Obituary
In loving memory of Lorraine Kathleen Hicks, Winsey, Orfield, born 2/17/1941 and passed peacefully on 4/11/2020. She was a widow since her husband, Jack Orfield, passed away on 6/29/1998 of esophageal cancer.
Lorraine is survived by 5 of her 6 daughters, Lori (Lorraine) Winsey-Sargrad, her husband Dave and two children, Brian and Danielle. Dale Winsey-Albertelli, husband Mark and children Mark and Todd and his spouse Lauren and two grandchildren, Domonic and Mason. Daughter Jacqueline Orfield-McLaughlin, her fiancé Mike, children Robby and Mollie. Belinda Orfield-Flynn, husband Jim, two children Jimmy and Gabrielle and grandchild Jaxon. Lee Hoffman-Mandel, husband Lawrence and two children, Zachary and Joshua. Daughter Rhonda Winsey-Maynard pre-deceased her November 30, 1993. Rhonda has one child Michael, his wife Kathleen and children Tripp and Lilly.
Lorraine was one of 11 children born to Lillian Cole-Hicks and Thomas Hicks. She had 5 brothers and 5 sisters, 4 pre-deceased her – 2 brothers and two sisters have passed - 6 still living. She lived a very hard life, but she was a kick-ass women.
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Our entire family thanks everyone for their well wishes and condolences.