Sara J. Marshall's obituary , Passed away on October 21, 2023 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Sara J. Marshall

October 15, 1933 - October 21, 2023 (90 years old)

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Sara J. Marshall's obituary , Passed away on October 21, 2023 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Cremation Society of Pennsylvania


Sara J. Marshall

October 15, 1933 - October 21, 2023 (90 years old)

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Sara J. Marshall Obituary

No services are scheduled at this time. Receive a notification when services are updated. RECEIVE UPDATES×In Memory Of Sara J. Marshall.

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Cremation Society of Pennsylvania

Updated by : Thomas Marshall

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