Kevin M. Vollrath's obituary , Passed away on September 20, 2023 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Kevin M. Vollrath

May 16, 1972 - September 20, 2023 (51 years old)

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Kevin M. Vollrath's obituary , Passed away on September 20, 2023 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Gilbert L Dailey Funeral Home


Kevin M. Vollrath

May 16, 1972 - September 20, 2023 (51 years old)

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Kevin M. Vollrath Obituary

Kevin M. Vollrath 51; of Swatara, passed away on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 in the M.S. Hershey Medical Center. Kevin was born on May 16, 1972 in Harrisburg and was a son to Theodor and Jane (Zerance) Vollrath.

Kevin was an accomplished tattoo artist and owed his own business. Kevin loved music, art, and going to flea markets. Surviving are his children, Deuce J. Vollrath, Grace Vollrath, Halah Vollrath, Samantha Vollrath, brothers, Brian and Dave Vollrath.

Kevin is predeceased by his father, Theodor Vollrath, son, Dain Vollrath, daughter, Aaron King, and a brother, Timothy Vollrath.

Services will be held at the convenience of the family.

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Gilbert L Dailey Funeral Home

Updated by : Grace V

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