Teresa Lee Sommer Obituary
Teresa was born in San Francisco, California on October 1, 1946 to Barbara and Damon. She passed in Portland, Oregon on December 11, 2016. If I were to tell her story she was just mom throughout most of her life and she struggled at being a normal mom, with her battle of addiction, which she finally won the last four years of her life.
She has had this crazy thing with a love for cats, which she has blessed me with. I love my mom she made me who I am. I am proud of my mother, she was taught about God at a young age and she had made peace with her God. She was a beautiful woman but her intentions in her life were just not in her corner. Barbara is survived by sister, Delores Holmes and Brother Dan DeCosta; children Barbara Ann Daley, Carol M. Bales and Michael Q. Jimenez; grandchildren Jon Michael Lindholm Sommer, and Braidren Drew Sommer.
But she loved her children..... God grant me the serenity to except the things I cannot change and the courage to change what I can amen. ....may she rest in peace. You will forever be missed mom.