Honesty Rayne Morman Obituary
Honesty Rayne Morman, daughter of Wesley Ray and Rebecca Lynn Bland Morman, came into this world on October 30, 2012 in Tulsa, Oklahoma and the Angels flew her home to be with our Lord on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 in Stilwell, Oklahoma at the tender age of 2 months and 9 days. The little one we longed for was swiftly here and gone.
But the love that was then planted is a light that still shines on. And though our arms are empty, Our hearts know what to do. Every beating of our hearts says we love you. Honesty was preceded in death by her grandfather: Daniel Bland, great grandparents: Eddy and Pam Morman. She leaves behind a very loving family that includes her parents: Wesley and Rebecca Morman, siblings: Shane Bechtol, Riley Bechtol, Aiden Bland and Colton Morman, grandparents: Stacy Jones and husband James, all of Stilwell, OK.
Other relatives also survive her. Funeral services were held at 2 pm on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at RobertsReedCulver Chapel with Max Ford officiating. Interment followed at Chalk Bluff Cemetery.