Vanessa Deanne (Hicks) Lane Obituary
Celebration of life services for Vanessa Deanne Lane, 42, Enid resident, will be held at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at Amy Stittsworth Funeral Home, with Pastor Jim Day officiating.
Vanessa was born on May 11, 1979 in Enid, the daughter of Jimmy and Carol Hicks, and passed away on January 26, 2022 in Enid. She was raised in Waukomis, graduating from Waukomis High School with the class of 1998.
Vanessa will be remembered as being the light in whatever room she was in. She loved her family fiercely and it reflected in everything she did. She spent all her time with her family, whether it be family gatherings, attending concerts, races, or going to the lake. Her biggest passion was her new role as a Mimi.
Vanessa is survived by her husband, Clinton Lane; parents Jimmy and Carol Hicks; children Sara Schriner, Wyatt Palmer, Chloe Palmer and granddaughter Wynona, Tessa Nordsieck and granddaughter Maveree, Emily Breazzeal, Olivia Hagedon, Ashland Hagedon, Abel Lane, Serenity Lane; brother Allen Hicks and family; and sister Brandi Hicks and family.