Linda Lou Ivers's obituary , Passed away on August 29, 2022 in Newark, Ohio

Linda Lou Ivers

April 8, 1940 - August 29, 2022 (82 years old)

Newark, Ohio

Linda Lou Ivers's obituary , Passed away on August 29, 2022 in Newark, Ohio

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Henderson-Van Atta Stickle Funeral and Cremation Service


Linda Lou Ivers

April 8, 1940 - August 29, 2022 (82 years old)

Newark, Ohio

Linda Lou Ivers Obituary

Linda Lou Ivers, age 82, of Newark, passed away on August 29, 2022. She was born on April 8, 1940 in Bedford, Pennsylvania to the late Carol W. Lake and Ruby Pearl Simon.

Linda was a strong-willed, caring and courageous person. She enjoyed watching FOX News and spending time with her daughter, Elizabeth. Linda enjoyed traveling to California to see the ocean and visiting western states, especially Arizona.

Linda is survived by her daughter, Elizabeth Ivers Tate; three sisters, Elizabeth (James) Carvey; Dona Lake, Cheryl (Bob) Wilt; a brother, John (Pat) Morrow; a sister-in-law, Jill Martin; and many nieces and nephews, and her beloved shih-tzu dog.

In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Franklin Glen Ivers; two brothers, Robert Lake and David Martin and a sister, Carolyn June Lake.

Private family burial will take place in Newark Memorial Gardens.

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Henderson-Van Atta Stickle Funeral and Cremation Service

Updated by : Elizabeth Tate


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