Marvin LeRoy Guider Obituary
90 years and 26 days. That is how long we had the pleasure of Marvin L. Guider being on this earth before he was reunited with his parents Aubrey and Idella, sister Jackie and her husband Bob, and sister-in-law Marge Guider, in heaven. Marvin was born in Marion and at a young age went to live in Mount Victory with his grandparents to help them take care of the farm.
After high school graduation, he joined the Army serving in Greenland. Marv was a proud veteran with a lifetime membership of the VFW Post 7201 and later served as a member of the honor guard. One of his proudest military moments was being involved with the acquisition and delivery of the helicopter located in front of the Post. Marv returned home from the Army and while visiting his brother Ray at the Ford garage, laid eyes on the woman of his dreams, Sandy Callahan.
He quickly made her his bride. Not only did they share 65 years of love and memories, but they also have four children to carry on their legacy. Elizabeth Guider, Prospect, Victoria (Guider) Brooks, Columbus, Marv II (Penny) Guider, Forest and Mark (Tara) Guider, Marion along with 13 grandkids, 24 greats and he was even a great great-grandpa. After the Army, Marv worked and retired from the Marion Power Shovel but always went back to his farming roots--even helping Mark farm at the age of 89! Marv loved to be outside doing anything from fishing to tinkering, but his true passion was hunting . . . especially turkey hunting.
Marv lived a very full life with so many stories to tell. The family would love for you to share them and help celebrate him. Graveside service will be held at the Marion cemetery, March 7th at 1PM. Anyone wishing to make donations in Marvin's name may do so to the VFW Post 7201.