Linda Lou (Smith) Lovell Obituary
Linda (Smith) Lovell of Newark, Oh passed away peacefully at OSU hospitals on November 18, 2021. She was the daughter and pre-deceased by George Smith of McFarland, WV and Helen (Craig) Smith of Shawnee, Oh. She was pre-deceased by her son Terry Smith.
Linda is survived by her son Jonathon Lovell, sisters Karen Smith, Denise Ricketts-Burton, (Grand daughter Helena Stephenson, great grandchildren Hayvn and Hadley), Gran daughter Amanda Baker-Meade and spouse Justin Meade and son Isaac, Grand son Brandon Turner, spouse Kayla and great grand daughter Sparklin.
Linda, despite using an electric wheelchair to get around, was active in her church, the Domestic Violence Shelter, Crisis Line and Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Please make any remembrance donations to the American Cancer Society