Jean M. Heenan Obituary
(Nee Wilke) Jean and her husband Terry just celebrated 50 years of marriage. Scott (Samantha) and John had the fortune of having her as their mom. Terry’s other children, Michael Lendl (Delilah) and Lynn Androjna, had the honor of having her as their step-mom. And no one will ever be quite as loved and spoiled as her grandson Joey. Jean was preceded by her brothers William and Ronald Wilke.
After graduating from Seton High School in 1966, Jean started working at the Federal Home Loan Bank, which is where she met Terry. Jean later worked for Hamilton County, serving as the County’s investment officer and continuing to serve in retirement on the Board of Revision.
Jean loved travelling with Terry. Together, they visited places like Australia, Ireland, and the Caribbean. They made regular trips to Florida and Hawaii to visit friends and family.
Terry remembers his dad asking him right before their wedding "What did you ever do to deserve Jean?" He had no answer then and still doesn't.
Jean passed away on November 5th surrounded by family and friends while listening to her grandson Joey playing one of her favorite songs, Yellow Submarine, on piano.
A visitation will take place on Friday November 11, 2022, from 1 to 3 p.m. at Vitt, Stermer, & Anderson Funeral Home at 4619 Delhi Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238. A blessing will immediately follow.
In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Rainforest Trust, an organization that helps protect the habitats of the many frogs Jean loved so much. Donations can be made at