Justin M. McKinley's obituary , Passed away on March 10, 2023 in Carmel, New York

Justin M. McKinley

July 6, 2003 - March 10, 2023 (19 years old)

Carmel, New York

Justin M. McKinley's obituary , Passed away on March 10, 2023 in Carmel, New York

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Balsamo-Cordovano Funeral Home


Justin M. McKinley

July 6, 2003 - March 10, 2023 (19 years old)

Carmel, New York

Justin M. McKinley Obituary

Justin Michael McKinley was born on July 6, 2003 . He was always a fun loving and inquisitive child. Justin loved cars and making music as he grew older, He liked to travel all over the place in his car exploring new cities and states , he befriended everyone that crossed his path and was always loyal. Justin has two other siblings Alyssa Brianna McKinley and Nicholas Anthony Rivera . He is survived by his Mother Kristen Rivera , Step Father Michael Rivera , His Father Brian J Mckinley , His Great Aunt and Uncle who always loved him dearly and dedicated their lives to helping him make a future for himself - Mr William C McAuliffe and Andrea Ielmoni McAuliffe. Justin shared a birthday with his Aunt Angelica Dimarco which was something we all laughed about for years . He loved his Aunt very much as well as his Uncle Dan DiMarco. Justin has cousins whom he was very close with -Sabrina and Lucciano DiMarco. He Has an Aunt Melissa Brown and Uncle David Brown. Justin has a lot of extended family as well. Justins sudden passing was a shock to all of us . Its a great loss for all of us . He had his whole life ahead of him. I Pray he is at peace with God and finds his way to his loving Grandmother Elda C Brown , His Pop Pop Duane Edward Hamlin and the rest of our family that has passed .

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Balsamo-Cordovano Funeral Home

Updated by : Kristen Rivera


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Mar 15


Harrison Funeral Home
329 Halstead Ave, Harrison, NY 10528