Douglas "Doug" Rodas's obituary , Passed away on January 13, 2022 in Brockport, New York

Douglas "Doug" Rodas

July 20, 1962 - January 13, 2022 (59 years old)

Brockport, New York

Douglas "Doug" Rodas's obituary , Passed away on January 13, 2022 in Brockport, New York

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Mitchell Family Funeral Homes Inc.


Douglas "Doug" Rodas

July 20, 1962 - January 13, 2022 (59 years old)

Brockport, New York

Douglas Rodas Obituary

Douglas "Doug" Rodas passed away on January 13th, 2021 at Unity Hospital. Born on July 20th, 1962, Doug was a son of the late Luther and Shirley (Rose) Rodas.

Douglas "Doug" Rodas passed away on January 13th, 2021 at Unity Hospital. Born on July 20th, 1962, Doug was a son of the late Luther and Shirley (Rose) Rodas.

After graduation from Brockport High School, he became an electrician working at SUNY Brockport, where he met the love of his life, his wife Dawn (Trolley) Rodas. He loved the great outdoors, including hunting, fishing, and camping, classic cars, motorcycles, and spending quality time with his family. Doug will also be remembered for his gentle and loving nature with all animals, especially Cocker Spaniels and his two Yellow Labs, Harley and Sammie.

He is survived by his wife, Dawn, step-daughter Erica (Mark) Kuntz, daughter Connie Rodas, granddaughter Julianna Kuntz, and three siblings.

There were no prior calling hours. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to an animal shelter or rescue organization of your choice.

Doug's arrangements have been entrusted to Christopher Mitchell Funeral Homes.

Read Less. Service Details. There are no events scheduled. You can still show your support by sending flowers directly to the family, or planting a memorial tree in memory of Douglas "Doug" Rodas.

Funeral arrangement under the care of
Mitchell Family Funeral Homes Inc.

Updated by : Dawn Rodas


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