Clementine Helen (Figol) Savitch Obituary
Mrs. Clementine Helen Savitch, 70, died yesterday at the Berkshire Nursing Home, Babylon, L.I Mrs. Savitch was a former Passaic Resident. Born in Austria, Mrs. Savitch can to America in 1908, and settled in Passaic where she lived for 22 years before moving to Long Island 42 years ago. Surviving are her husband, Michael; her stepson, Walter of New York; and Four Sisters, Mrs. Fritz Willy (Victoria) Schulze of Bloomingdale, and Mrs. Stephen (Jennie) Maluda, Mrs. John (Olga) Sedlock and Mrs. Lucille Fischer, All of Clifton. Funeral Services will be held Thursday at 8:15 a.m. at the John J. LaBash and sons Funeral Home, Passaic, and At S.S Peter and Paul’s Russian Orthodox Cathedral at 8:30 a.m. Internment Saint Peter and Paul R.O Cemetery. Parastas will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday.