Larry Allen Gray's obituary , Passed away on October 10, 2020 in Reno, Nevada

Larry Allen Gray

January 19, 1957 - October 10, 2020 (63 years old)

Reno, Nevada

Larry Allen Gray's obituary , Passed away on October 10, 2020 in Reno, Nevada

Larry Allen Gray

January 19, 1957 - October 10, 2020 (63 years old)

Reno, Nevada

Larry Allen Gray Obituary

The family of Larry Allen Gray born Jan 19, 1957 sadly announces his passing on Oct 10, 2020 at the age of 63. Preceded in death by his daughter Sacelia and mother Joan. Survived by his father Glen Gray and his four siblings. He leaves behind five children Tabatha, Larry Jr, Shayla, Skype and Stephen, one step-son Terry, six grandchildren with one on the way and eight great-grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held on Sunday, November 8th 2020 from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM at 38268 6Th St E Palmdale, CA 93550.

Created by : Tabatha Huiras

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Nov 08

Memorial service

38268 6th St E, Palmdale, CA 93550