Mary (Figol) Hitchuk Obituary
Mrs. Paul Hitchuk (The former Mary Figol) died Saturday morning at her home, 434 Highland Avenue, Passaic after a long illness. She was born in Austria, 45 years ago; Had lived in the USA 40 years and in Passaic and vicinity 25 years. She was employed formally by the Frostmann Woolen Co. survivors are her husband, Paul Hitchuk Sr., daughter Olga; two sons Sgt. Walter Hitchuk 14th AAF, in China; Paul Hitchuk Jr., MoMM 3/c, USN, in the Pacific; her mother; Mrs. Katherine Filon Franklin; five sisters, Mrs. Michael (Helen) Savitch, Deer Park; Mrs. Frederick (Lucille) Fischer, PA;, Mrs. John (Olga) Sedlock, Clifton; Mrs. Stephen (Jennie) Maluda, Clifton; Mrs. Fritz (Victoria) Schulze, Wallington; and a brother John Harboy, Passaic. Funeral Services will be held tomorrow morning with the Very Rev. Joseph Havriliak and the Very Rev. John Havriliak of ficiating. Service at Bizub Funeral home, Saint Peter and Paul’s R.O Church, Interment Saint Peter and Paul’s R.O Cemetery.