Frank L. Daddio Obituary
Frank L. Daddio peacefully passed away after a courageous battle to live on Monday, February 5, 2024. He was surrounded by his loved ones. He was 79 years old.
Born in New Brunswick to Frank and Clara (Ciecko) Daddio, he resided in East Brunswick most of his life before retiring to Benton, PA.
Prior to retiring 25 years ago, he worked as a Union Carpenter and Millwright. He was a member of the International Brotherhood of Carpenters and Millwrights Local 1006, Milltown for over 60 years. He served as Financial Secretary, then as Business Manager for 15 years. He served on the NJ State Council of Carpenters as a board member for the 8th district Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean counties. He served as trustee for NJ Carpenter Funds, Health, Pension, Annuity and Vacation Funds. He served as a trustee for Middlesex County Building Trades and was also a Vice President, He served on the Adult Advisory Committee for Middlesex County Vocational Schools. He was a delegate in the Carpenters 2nd district to represent NJ, PA, Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia. He was devoted to and very proud of his achievements to make the lives of members of the brotherhood better.
When Frank was not working he was a member of Washington Heights Rod and Gun Club. He was a past president of the Friendly Gun Club of Hopewell. He was a charter member and 1st president of S.O.S. Save Our Sport, an organization put together by sportsmen who use hounds for hunting.
Frank was an all around sportsman in his leisure time enjoying salt water fishing, crabbing, running his beagles to hunt rabbits and deer hunting. He ate his kills. Frank also had a huge interest in steam trains and the working of a steam locomotive. He had an amazing mathematical mind and could fix anything. Frank "Big Daddy" was larger than life. He could remember jokes and often left a trail of laughter.
Frank was predeceased by his father Frank Daddio, Sr. and his mother Clara Daddio (nèe Ciecko).
Surviving are his wife of 30 years, Jody Daddio (Goldman) of East Brunswick, his daughter Susan Daddio, son Michael Daddio, grandchildren Angelina Daddio and Anthony Daddio, all of East Brunswick.
A Memorial Visitation will be held on Saturday, February 10, 2024, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm, at The BRUNSWICK MEMORIAL HOME, 454 Cranbury Road, East Brunswick. For directions, please see "Events" below.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterVisit website Saint Jude Children's Research HospitalMemorial & Honor Program, 501 Saint Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105.