Everett Mayo Adelman's obituary , Passed away on March 13, 2025 in Louisburg, North Carolina

Everett Mayo Adelman

January 9, 1947 - March 13, 2025 (78 years old)

Louisburg, North Carolina

Everett Mayo Adelman's obituary , Passed away on March 13, 2025 in Louisburg, North Carolina

Everett Mayo Adelman

January 9, 1947 - March 13, 2025 (78 years old)

Louisburg, North Carolina

Everett Mayo Adelman Obituary

Everett Mayo Adelman, age 78 of Louisburg, North Carolina left this earth on March 13th, 2025. Born on January 9th, 1947 in the state of Vermont, he was a devoted artist and friend to many.

Everett spent his early childhood living with his grandparents in New York State, then later joined his mother and was adopted by his stepfather spending the remainder of his childhood mostly in Cape Cod, Massachusetts (Woods Hole and Falmouth to be exact), places he kept major ties to throughout his life.

Everett was a rebel, but a rebel with a cause, leaving for New York City as a teenager in the '60s he started an incredible career. He began in architecture at Pratt University and then later transferred to Cooper Union where he earned his undergraduate degree in Fine Arts on a full scholarship. As he studied art, he also submerged himself in the rock and roll and jazz scene in the city. Music has always played a huge role in his life. Everett also earned a scholarship to study abroad living in Rome, Italy for a little over a year, he loved the Italian culture and lifestyle. Later he moved to upstate New York where he got his Masters of Fine Arts at Syracuse University. While living in upstate New York, Everett was an Elementary School Art Teacher, helped start Pratt Institute's Utica Division, and was an art historian teacher and foundation program coordinator at Munson Williams Proctor School. It was there he met a beautiful Mezzo Soprano and left New York for North Carolina with a baby in tow. For close to 30 years Everett devoted himself as a professor and curator at North Carolina Wesleyan College where he built a Studio Art Minor, started and helped designed the Four Sisters Gallery of Folk Art aka "Outsider Art" and developed a permanent collection. He invested a great amount of time & love curating a year-round exhibition program in the college's Mims and Civic galleries where he displayed talented artists' work from around the world.

Everett spent the remainder of his years in the town of Louisburg, North Carolina. There he painted daily, opened up a gallery with a close friend, restored his faith at Our Lady of the Rosary, and made many friends who truly feel the loss of his presence.

Everett is survived by his daughter Lucy and son-in-law Luke; his granddaughters Isla and Indie; his brothers John, Jamie, and Keith, his sisters Barbara, Vicki, and Willa; and his many beloved friends and family from around the world. He is preceded in death by his mother Jean, his stepfather Bill, and his brother Michael.

Everett's only child, Lucy would like to share this special sentiment: My father was a rare man, an artistic genius (if anyone reading this is familiar with his extruded acrylic technique… well then you understand the genius). My fondest memories with him was painting by his side in his studio while listening to his records. If my father was painting, he was listening to music, and not just any music… but good music, real music, music that feeds the soul. He will live on daily in our home through his records, and especially through his artwork. Keep an eye out, Everett may be gone but not forgotten. It is with great honor to inherit his remaining artwork (artwork that has not already been sold or in collections). My wish is to give him the honor he deserves. He will live on through his paintings.

Authorized by Lancaster Funeral and Cremation Services

Sympathy messages

Would you like to offer Everett Mayo Adelman’s loved ones a condolence message? Write your message of sympathy today.

2 people wrote a message from the heart


Words of sympathy

March 16, 2025

Fiona O'downey wrote a sympathy message

“There are no words to express the pain and grief of your passing and so I offer you this sprig of cherry blossom forever and for all time. We shall meet again, in another space at another time in a place where joy is everlasting. I will look for your beautiful spirit everyday in every place and when I see the cherry blossoms bloom I will know you are watching me and that you are at peace. Always and forever. Fiona.”


Words of sympathy

March 16, 2025

Marilynn Anselmi wrote a sympathy message

“Everett was a force for art. He positively impacted so many students and artists throughout North Carolina. We will truly miss his vision and pure love for creation.”