Douglas Hallford Obituary
STEVENSVILLE-Douglas Duane Hallford, 76 passed in his home on February 5, 2020. He married Pamela (Traver) Hallford in 1964. They settled in Stevensville and had a happy 55 years together. They had four children; Denise (Doug) Groneman of Nevada, Paula (Eric) Johnson of Missoula, Rhonda Hallford of Missoula and David Hallford of Stevensville. He had six grandchildren; Nicole Flint, Heather Wilke, Christopher Hallford, Chase Johnson, Ben Hallford, Hannah Hallford. He had eight great-grandchildren; Isabella Flint, Reily Flint, Hailo Flint, Marshaill Wilke, Macaill Wilke, Malaiya Wilke, Maraih Wilke, Titus Hallford.
Doug was an amazing father, brother, uncle, grandpa, great grandpa, and husband. Doug always knew how to put a smile on everyone's face because of his amazing sense of humor. He was a very caring and giving man. He was an avid outdoorsman enjoying fishing, hunting, and camping with his family. Doug was once asked by his daughters what he did for a living. His response was that he moved mountains! His children came to realize that this statement from their father was true in more ways than one. Doug touched the lives of so many people and will be greatly missed.
A Celebration of Life potluck for Douglas and Pamela Hallford is scheduled for June of 2020.
February 10, 2020
Paula johnson wrote a sympathy message
February 9, 2020
DougandDenise Groneman wrote a sympathy message